Makeup & Fashion
I adore makeup – it’s like art but on your face! For me, it’s never about trying to change the way I look or hide certain things (let’s be honest, you all know I have a couple of spots and a few wrinkles under there, I’m only human!), it’s about having fun and creating something pretty or cool or bold or interesting and my face just happens to be the canvas.
I like playing with a mix of styles: sometimes bold, bright colours, other times more natural looks and every so often dark looks with smoky eyes and red lips.
You might be surprised to know that in my day to day life I don’t really wear all that much makeup, it’s only really when I have a cool idea or product I want to play around with, when I’m filming a video, or when I’m heading out somewhere a bit special.
I try to make sure that all the makeup I buy and use is cruelty free and, where possible, vegan. Some cruelty free brands I recommend for being great quality and affordable include: Nyx, Revolution, Colourpop, Barry M.
I used to be incredibly self-conscious about the way I looked and as a result, I was terrified of wearing too much makeup or anything bright that might draw more attention to me and my face. However, once I began to make peace with my face and accept the way I look, I became a lot more confident and was able to experiment with more makeup and feel a lot more like me.
A Note On Photo-Editing…
I feel at this point it’s also worth making a note about photo-editing. Photoshop, Facetune, whatever other apps and programs people use to alter their faces and bodies is pretty commonplace now but I avoid this as much as possible. In the past I’ve removed an overly obnoxious spot if it’s detracting from the overall image but nowadays that stuff bothers me less and less. I think it’s important to be transparent with you guys about this kind of stuff.
That’s not to say I always look 100% the same in real life as I do in my pictures. Its important to remember that wearing makeup, using studio lighting and playing around with camera angles can all change how I look a little. Even the camera lens I used to take the photo will have an effect - lenses of different focal lengths will produce very different results and alter or distort your face shape. It’s worth bearing all this in mind when you see pictures of me or anyone else.
All this said, I want to try and be my most authentic self for you guys. Or at least as much as you can be on the internet.
That’s why I’ll never alter the shape of my facial features or body in my photos. I’ll show you my makeup-free face as much as my full-of-makeup face. And I’ll keep posting the natural, everyday photos with all my (many, many, many) flaws on show because, ultimately, I’m just a regular person (with spots, pores, stray eyebrow hairs, chicken pox scars, and a crazy overbite!) and I’m not going to pretend otherwise.

Superhero-Themed Makeup
Halloween 2023
I haven’t had a proper Halloween costume since 2019 when I was… also Poison Ivy. I really stepped it up this year though with better hair, better makeup and MORE fake ivy everywhere.
I love this look - especially the tiny leaves I stuck in my hair!
starfire, 2021

When it comes to clothes and fashion, I definitely don’t just have one style. Mostly I just like to have fun, be comfy and feel good. Like makeup, I’m way more confident and adventurous than I used to be and I love that!
I’ve always been interested in clothes but since we grew up without much money I was reliant on hand-me-downs, knock-off school uniforms, and the cheap stuff that got rejected even from places like Primark. Now, I’m not rich by any means but I’m more able to spend money on the clothes I actually want rather than having to make do with the only thing I can afford.
That said, I still LOVE looking through vintage and second-hand shops and apps like Vinted and I enjoy altering clothes - if I’ve seen something in a print I love but I hate the sleeves, I’ll change them. Or if I see a dress I love but it’s a little too big, I’ll just take it in!
Every time I wear these earrings I get questions so please allow me to answer them here: Yes, I'm an atheist, yes, I'm aware that pentacles are usually associated with Pagan and Wiccan beliefs, and while I don't apply those labels to myself, it's still a symbol that means something to me. At it's most basic, it's a symbol that reminds me of the connect I feel personally to nature and the world around me and for that reason, it's one I like to wear and celebrate. It's not some silly fashion statement, it's something personal to me.
Similarly, I get some people who are mad at me when I choose to wear feathers in my hair because they think that is purely a Native American tradition when it is actually so much more: Vikings amongst others were also known to wear feathers in there hair and there is some evidence of other species, such as Neanderthals, wearing feathers in their hair - it's a huge part of human history which doesn't belong to one culture alone. That said, for me feathers play a really special and important role in my own life (and therefore, wardrobe too). As a kid I spent a lot of time alone and I would love to be outside collecting things - rocks, cool looking sticks, leaves, and unsurprisingly, feathers. Feathers were some of my favourite things to find. I'd take them home and wash them and braid them into my hair or try to clip them in when I could. I have always loved birds - watching them, listening to them, and as I've got older, photographing and painting them. And if I can carry a small part of them with me, it helps me feel more connected to the world around me. It's like how I decorate my home with shells and rocks and objects I've found, I like to decorate my body with shells and feathers and other natural objects.